Sunday, April 17, 2011

3 week mark

This week has been crazy! I got my BFP on Thursday at 10dpo! I also got my bloodwork done and had to go back on Saturday to get it done again to see if the numbers are increasing. Please pray for healthy number and babi(es). Now its slowly setting it that this is happening again.

We told B's parents on Friday and they were so happy. We will tell my parents on Wednesday when I see them. The siblings will find out after I get the results from the dr on Monday. Then the rest of the family will find out around 20 weeks. We want to go past the time we lost baby #1 before we let the family know this time.

We also decided to do a week by week video recording with our new video camera. It will be nice when we get the end result.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It finally happened!!!

After 10 months and 6 days I finally got a BFP!

We are so excited and nervous. I went to get my bloodwork today and I have to go back on Saturday to get it done again so they can see it doubling. According to, Im due Dec 27. DH is hoping for a Dec 31st baby. That would be neat.

Now Im all in planning and getting things all set and Im only 3 weeks! Ha! We are planning on telling the parents next week and then the rest of the family at the 2nd tri mark.